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Hous Cleansing

Channeled Reading

A channeled reading provides a greater sense of clarity, guidance, and insight into your life. It is a process of connecting with your spirit guides, ancestors, & source to relay a message to you. This service is meant to align you more closely with your path and connect you more deeply with your soul and spirit guides. These messages will also help you to heal, be inspired, be empowered, and affirm your gifts and purpose in this lifetime.


For an additional cost, I can create a detailed drawing representing your reading for you to keep after.

$100 : 1hr // $150 : 1hr with drawing

$60 : 30min // $110 : 1hr with drawing

All Channeled Readings are reserved via email. Please include a date & time you'd like your reading.

Soul Portrait

Soul Portrait

In the midst of our daily routines and obligations, it's common to lose touch with our spiritual essence. A soul portrait serves as a representation of your inner self. It captures the nuances of your spirit, depicts your life's journey, and encapsulates the wisdom imparted by your spirit guides. This isn't merely a work of art; it's a profound mirror to help you remember who you are & why you're here. By regularly engaging with your portrait, you create an anchor point. It becomes a visual reminder of your core truths, offering clarity during times of uncertainty and helping you realign with your authentic path. 


Each soul portrait is distinct to the individual. I work with five artistic mediums—watercolor, acrylic, ink, pencil, & charcoal—to capture the unique characteristics of each soul. Depending on the energy I see from you, I might use a single medium or blend several for a richer depiction.



- 1hr channeled reading

- Your handmade soul portrait

- Fully typed description of your soul portrait


16" X 20" - $300

Other prices available based on size

All Soul Portraits are reserved via email. Please include a date & time when we can talk about your portrait.

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Intuitive Sketching

Symbolic Design

All designs are created to reflect you, your life path, & your manifestation goals. It serves as a visual, mental, & spiritual reminder of one's strengths, goals, or values. Having a personalized symbol can be a powerful tool to catalyze your manifestations & for navigating challenges also.



- 30min channeled reading

- Digital & physical print of your symbolic design

- A personalized typed symbol activation meditation





All Symbolic Designs are reserved via email. Please include a date & time we can talk about your design.

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